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Artist Profile: Meet Illustrator Rebecca Rehagen
You are an incredible illustrator. At what point did you realize this could be a career?
I realized I could turn this part time job into a career when my commissions really started ramping up. I have been doing custom portraits since I first have started working with digital art, offering them to friends and family for gifts and keepsakes. Word of mouth and posting on social media grew my clientele which paid my bills! Yay! I decided to quit my part time job at our Michaels Craft Store and go full time freelance, which I have been for 3 years this year.
I love your authenticity on Instagram. What are your favorite parts about using Instagram to share your work?
My community and the real friendships I have made through Instagram is my number one favorite thing. They are always there with kindness and understanding and feedback when I need it. I also love sharing on Instagram because it really helps you grow your customer base and the community of artists is great for support regarding business and new work. I owe a lot of my business’s growth to Instagram!
You have a unique illustration style. Are there any artists you look up to for creative inspiration?
There are so many amazing illustrators and artists that inspire me daily. Another shout out to Instagram to basically being a giant portfolio for artists. I really enjoy, @maggiecoledraws, @tinanass.illustration, @abbierenillustration, @sauceboss_666 and so many others but those are the top of my list for sure!
You designed the Shine Your Light puzzle for BetterCo. Have you done this puzzle yourself yet?
Okay I HAVEN’T. I know I know haha! I didn’t want to mess up the pretty packaging though. I’ve seen others doing it though and maybe one snow day I’ll have the courage to break the seal. (Also, cats like to mess up unfinished puzzles).
You have illustrated a ton of plants and cats. Which is your all-time favorite? Plants or Cats?
Cats 100%! I’ve always had cats growing up and probably always will. They make me so happy. 😊
You can follow Rebecca on Instagram at @rebeccalillustrator.
Check out Rebecca's "Shine Your Light" puzzle design.
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